1. Consider the goal of the Celebration of Champions for the sustainment of our ministry
We need partners in the gospel! Think about those who don't yet support FCA and have the capacity to contribute.
2. Pray and ask God who you should invite in helping us reach that goal
God hears our prayers and has the capacity to put individuals on our hearts! Take some time to seek his wisdom.
3. Make a clear ask
Share your FCA story, and be clear, concise, and bold in asking someone else to be a part of it.
4. Consistently communicate over a variety of platforms (phone, email, text, social media)
Share any number of posts, articles, and resources that Triangle FCA distributes to help in your consistent communication.
5. Send a reminder to confirmed partners on Monday, November 16th
Follow up is crucial! Set a phone reminder, calendar event, etc. for yourself to send follow-up communication to your partners at the start of Champions Week.
5840 Faringdon Place, Unit A, Raleigh, NC 27609