On November 16th we will be having Champions Day Of Giving, a celebration of our FCA champions – those who pray, give, and go to make disciples in the world of sports.
You might be asking, “How does the banquet fit into Champions Day of Giving?” Unfortunately, this year, we aren’t able to gather at the fairgrounds for our annual banquet. In lieu of the banquet, Champions Day of Giving will allow all of us to see what God has done through Triangle FCA in the past twelve months through our short ministry update video. We want you to be a part of this special day! Your gift to Triangle FCA through the month of November will go towards our Champions Day campaign.
The Ministry Update video will include:
For updates on Champions Day of Giving, be sure to follow @TriangleFCA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
To donate to an individual Triangle FCA staff member please click here.
Posted on our Vimeo page on November 16th!
Our All Star Sponsors
The Ponderosa Group LLC
5840 Faringdon Place, Unit A, Raleigh, NC 27609